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Decipher Resources: Videos

Explore video resources to learn how genomic testing is helping transform cancer care and how Veracyte’s Decipher Prostate and Decipher Bladder tests are helping physicians and patients make informed, personalized treatment plans.

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Genetic and Biomarker Testing: What Does It Mean for Me?

Genetic testing and biomarker testing can help doctors and patients learn as much as possible about each patient’s prostate cancer. People across all stages of the prostate cancer spectrum may be interested in this topic, from newly-diagnosed patients deciding on a treatment plan, to men with metastatic disease seeking additional treatment options. PCF’s Chief Medical Officer William K. Oh, MD, speaks with two experienced clinicians who are committed to help patients and families understand what these types of testing mean for their care.

Kara Maxwell, MD, PhD (University of Pennsylvania and Corporal Michael Crescenz VA Medical Center) discusses genetic testing.

Jim C. Hu, MD, MPH (Weill Cornell Medicine) discusses biomarker testing and risk stratification.